My 2023 Story: Internships, Insights, and Future Plans for 2024
In this post, I will reflect on my achievements in 2023 and journal my thoughts for 2024. Note that this is not where I showcase my achievements in the most effective way; rather, it’s just where I reflect on myself in an honest way. Hope it brings some joy to those who have similar backgrounds. Went… Continue reading
What is $PATH and how to use it?
In this article, we will learn about what PATH is and why we need it.We’ll cover PATH first, and then dive into .zshrc/bash_profile to deepen our understanding. What is PATH? In short, PATH is a list of directories that your shell searches for executable files.The variable PATH can look like this: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin, which represents a… Continue reading
Two Ways to Create 2D Arrays in Python
I recently spent 30 minutes debugging a LeetCode problem* because I was creating 2D arrays incorrectly. To avoid making the same mistake again, I researched how to generate 2D arrays in Python. *This is the problem that I was working on: https://leetcode.com/problems/palindrome-partitionin Two Methods for Creating 2D Arrays in Python Nested for loops [Recommended] This… Continue reading